Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall 2009

Here it is fall. I am only a couple months down on keeping this up to date. It has been a crazy football season already and now it is over--fffewww. Freshman Football was a bit more intense than I expected. It was a bit more difficult for Marx too. We'll just say that you really appreciate good coaches when you end up with coaches that aren't. Marx did have a couple that were in his corner and worked with him, but there were a couple who needed their butts kicked up around their ears--I was a little too close to being connected to the foot that would do the kicking so I am relieved the season has come to a close. I may not have made it if the season was any longer. Marx played full back and tail back positions and did well. He gained yards and points and knew his plays inside and out. He also threw big blocks which was outstanding considering the size of some of these kids. For defense, he played corner, middle linebacker and safety. It was hard to keep up with that. Marx is number 9.

Here he comes!

Running the ball after a hand off

Running the ball on punt return

Throwing the shoulder down before the hit comes.

Making the tackle

Owww. He flipped the two defenders off of him when he continued to roll over his head!

Moving it into the end zone

Punching it right in.

Marx and Brian as captains

Marx has been working with a trainer for wrestling over the last couple of months. He was picked for this special opportunity and it is outstanding that he has such a great group of coaches for wrestling. It should be an exciting year. He has been looking forward to wrestling and is working with his Talon coaches starting next week. When November hits, Marx will have only missed about 1 month of wrestling during the past year. He took every opportunity to go to open mat and train. As he said to me today, he can't wait to start rocking the mat again.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer Update

Despite best efforts to keep this updated, I am failing miserably. Let's hope my memory will allow to get this updated before school starts. Marx graduated from 8th grade. As a parent, this grade was the "worst" when it came to keeping him motivated with good grades. Marx considered junior high as the 1/2 time period of a football game--doesn't really define the outcome of the game, you get a little break, and it "doesn't really matter". Ugh. Really! While his grades were ok--he wasn't even trying and it bugged me and his teachers. He was recommended for Advanced Placement for two classes, which I decided against. He has planned a heavy load for the next 4 years in order to be eligible to play sports in college and admission to a 4 year program, like at the U. It also didn't help during the end of the year when the teachers checked out either. I am glad that is over but I hope it isn't a prelude to the next 4 years or I will really begin to show signs of premature aging!

Marx is #36--He was not impressed with having to wear a purple helmet and purple/yellow stripped pants (yuck Sentinel Colors)--but at least he had an Ontario Jersey.

Marx had a brief period of rest before Football camp at the U of M. There were over 700 high school football players at this camp from across the country. Marx went with his buddy Keon and they had a blast. Marx and Keon along with other football players who were there without their teams (renegades) were placed on teams. When we arrived to the dorm, I saw a bus from Ontario and jokingly told Marx that Canadians came to the camp. He was impressed with that thought--until he was placed with the team from Ontario Oregon--then he thought I was a little nutty but we had a good laugh. The Ontario coaches were really impressed with Marx and during camp tryouts he won a starting spot as fullback for the varsity offense (freshman and sophomores don't really frequent this camp as we found out later) and linebacker for defense. He was getting pretty banged up from playing with bigger and more experienced Juniors and Seniors so he asked if he could bounce back to the JV squad so he didn't get too hurt. I was impressed with his forethought on that. We were still thrilled that Marx was talented enough to knock off the seniors who normally held those positions. After camp, Marx started lifting weights and doing power workouts with a wrestling coach as well as open mat with the head wrestling coach. His summer was busy with that and an additional football camp and wrestling camp. In between that, he mowed lawns, went to the mall and hung out with friends. We did go camping and to the lake once, but with Marx starting a new job at Snowbowl after being laid off for a month, we haven't had the funds to do much else. I actually enjoyed puttering around home for my vacation in July. Football starts August 17 and school starts August 31 so our summer is coming to a close.

For Marx's 15th birthday, we had a number of his friends over for a UFC match and sleepover. I bought a ton of food for sub sandwiches, etc and ended up with a bunch of leftovers. I guess I hit in between growth spurts! His birthday had a bit of a damper because of our neighbor. All summer we noticed that she was inviting homeless people to her home. It became a little too much on July 11th when a nasty fight broke out with one man being critically wounded and Marx T. witnessed it all. After a month of disruptive behavior from her house, I finally lost my patience with the multitude of people, some of which were aggressive towards neighbors, and the countless number of times I had to call the police for fights and other behavior I care not to write down. I also lost my patience with the park that we lease the land from. It appears that she has been trouble for more than a decade per the neighbors and the cops and until she quit paying her lease payment, the park didn't really do much about her. Fortunately, her family now recognizes that her behavior is of concern and they are moving her and the trailer out. It is sad to watch someone self-distruct, but after having homeless people (that she invited in) using my yard as a bed and toilet, I have little sympathy. I have ran into several deputy sheriffs who knew Grandpa Lockridge and spoke fondly of him and his dedication to service.

We were planning on going to the lake for my second week of vacation until out kitty Noodles attempted to fly and had a hard landing (he climbs on everything). He unfortunately fractured his leg, resulting in amputation. Now, Marx D and I are home nursing the little guy who is actually doing very well on three legs. Boomer and Sarge aren't too sure what to think about Noodles hobbling around and not attacking them at every pass. Noodles likes to watch Animal Planet so here is a photo of him earlier this summer!
Work has been crazy and I have been feeling better although I do have period bad days. I describe it as having the flu almost every month. Extreme cold weather and hot weather don't help but I am learning to slow down a bit and relax. Well, at least until sports kick into full swing!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A New Update--April 2009

It has been awhile since we did an update. I tried my hand at facebook but didn't like getting "friends" that I didn't know or that were friends of friends, etc. After playing with my settings even more, I decided enough. I think there is a contest on Facebook for getting the most friends, even if you don't really remember them from the 4th grade!

Marx has finally landed a different job. The promise to get him to several tournaments for Wrestling didn't really pan out (he made it to 1 and had to fight for it), the schedule really couldn't be adjusted for more consistency and he loved the work, but his boss wasn't easy to deal with. There is only so much ego one can handle. His boss has never had kids, so that seems to make a difference in attitude as well. So now he just started a new job working production at a lab so hopefully it will be a better fit. He went through an employment agency who gives great comments on the place. He will finish out his two week notice working both jobs since they wanted him right away but he wanted to do right by the other place.

I have been feeling much better despite the amount of traveling we have been doing lately. Marx finally made it to a freestyle tournament and wow--it is an amazing style of wrestling. If you have ever watched Olympic Wrestling that is what we see, but with kids. I am on new meds that seem to be working, until I got bronchitis and then I felt like I didn't even take anything. We realized that I hadn't been on antibiotics for over 10 years until this year, so I guess I was due! Work is going well. I jokingly tell my boss that I have been working part-time the last few months due to wrestling. I am greatful that they are so supportive of family.

Marx is getting well prepared for wrestling high schoolers since he is at a weight that we don't see many eighth graders so they bracket him in with high schoolers. It is overwhelming at times, but I think he walks away with learning something each time. Marx just got his braces off and decided to shave his head for a change. He is looking forward to football and wrestling camps this summer as well as lifting weights with the team. He will be graduating from the eighth grade in June (ahhhh) and turning 15. We will all have a safe year as he won't take drivers education until next summer.

A sad bit of news, our dog Boomer is really sick. We thought he had swallowed a foreign object and couldn't pass it. He has been in the vet's office for the whole week and we discovered that he has a severly inflamed small instestine which is swollen and blocked to the point that food cannot pass. He is miserable and on many medications to bring the inflamation under control. We aren't sure what is causing this, but if he manages to hold down food and water today he can come home. Marx's dentist wrote off the remaining balance on his braces last week which was a huge amount. I think was a blessing from God so that we can take care of our Boomer. We really want Boomer home and healthy!
Here are a few photos and I promise to update more regularly!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tis Wrestling Season

Here are some photos of the first tournament at Carroll College. This tournament had over 500 wrestlers and is "small" by USAW standards. The next tournament will have 900 wrestlers. Marx has been practicing for over 3 months and did great at this tournament. I had another parent film for me and you can still hear me cheering quite loudly. This was the only match that I managed to get still photos of Marx. I am working on improving that! This is Marx wrestling Sammie, a friend--it stinks driving 2 hours to wrestle one of your practice partners. This was by far the best match ever as Marx and Sammie really went at it until Marx finally pulled out the pin. From a parent (and Club president) prospective, the tournament was great as we had 16 wrestlers from 3 Missoula area clubs that went over as a group. On film, you can hear other parents cheering for all of the other wrestlers that were with us. It was a great support network for the wrestlers! Marx T. also finally dubbed me an official Wrestling Mom as I woke up at 1:30 in the morning before we left for Helena to doublecheck Marx's bag for his gear!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wrapping Up 2008

It is hard to believe how quickly the years go by. Let me see if I can sum the year up...
Marx T starts his last semester of school and begins the job search.
Marx D starts wrestling.
Lori--working, working, working

Marx T--school, school, flinching at wrestling tournaments
Marx D--wrestling, tournaments, school
Lori--working, nearly stroking out during wrestling tournaments

Marx T--School, job search, flinching a bit more, especially as Marx D. gets better, loves watching him win
Marx D--wrestling his heart out and getting good grades
Lori--working, suffers from serious butt cramps while seating at tournaments, voice completely gone

Marx T--more school, more job search, some interviews, enjoying watching Marx D come in 5th at State
Marx D--Freestyling wrestling now. Just practice, no tournaments. (Mom's heart couldn't take it). Working on Lacrosse
Lori--working, butt is feeling better, likes watching Lacrosse cause she don't know anything about it!

Marx T--Graduates from Trade School with a Certificate in Building Maintenance, trying to fight off the large honey do list, finds a job.
Marx D--Loves Lacrosse, a little bummed there isn't Lacrosse in high school, decides that Football and Wrestling are his two sports and wonders if he can do both in college!
Lori--Relieved that Marx found a job, just realized that the school year is almost over, just figured out that the wrestling season next year will be much, much longer! (Blood pressure pills anyone???)

Marx T--Messy radiator tech. Likes the shop, bummed about no vacation!
Marx D--School's done, lacrosse is done, wrestling and football camps are in full swing. Wins awards at football camp and enjoys working with the Griz Football players
Lori--Comatose this month--probably working--oh yeah, was promoted at work to Admin.

Marx T--Radiators, radiators. Buying tools, and tools and more tools.
Marx D--Hates lawnmowing, but it earns him some money. Volunteer lifeguard--at least the girls are cute. Saved a cell phone!
Lori--Vacation! Working with the wrestling club for fundraisers.

Marx T--Radiators are a little slow, but still buying tools.
Marx D--Been doing conditioning and wrestling technicque all summer. Can't wait until football starts
Lori--Needs another vacation. Gas too expensive to play on the waverunner all day.

Marx T--Radiators really slow. Football here, still loving that Snap On Guy.
Marx D--Yahhh football is here! Making touchdowns and lots of money.
Lori--Thinks she might need a part time job just to pay the football contract. Working

Marx T--Radiators are over. Found a job breaking toilets. Still trying to convince the wife he needs more tools.
Marx D--Football is over, wins Offenive MVP. Was leading scorer for team and second for the league. When does wrestling start he askes???
Lori--Working and flat broke. Working on new contract. Looking forward to the break. Foot hurts.

Marx T--Likes the cookies and free lunches at work. Doesn't need to buy anymore tools. Finally has 2 of each.
Marx D--Hitting the mat three times week. School is a chugging along. Wishing there were some tournaments close by.
Lori--Went from a little foot pain to maybe Lupus. How the heck did that happen?

December--Noodles arrived!
Marx T--Not liking all this snow. Had a little fender bender--barely a scratch. Traffic cop hit him responding though. If that isn't luck and a way to get out of a ticket.
Marx D--Not liking all the snow either (shoveling might have something to do with it). Still hitting the mat and counting the days til a tournament.
Lori--Something that starts with an L knocked me on my butt, but I am getting up and dusting off. Learning to say no and relaxing a little too.

2009 Wish List
Good health
Job stability
Good grades
Successful wrestling season
Love and Laughter and a little "sludge" wouldn't hurt either!