Thursday, April 16, 2009

A New Update--April 2009

It has been awhile since we did an update. I tried my hand at facebook but didn't like getting "friends" that I didn't know or that were friends of friends, etc. After playing with my settings even more, I decided enough. I think there is a contest on Facebook for getting the most friends, even if you don't really remember them from the 4th grade!

Marx has finally landed a different job. The promise to get him to several tournaments for Wrestling didn't really pan out (he made it to 1 and had to fight for it), the schedule really couldn't be adjusted for more consistency and he loved the work, but his boss wasn't easy to deal with. There is only so much ego one can handle. His boss has never had kids, so that seems to make a difference in attitude as well. So now he just started a new job working production at a lab so hopefully it will be a better fit. He went through an employment agency who gives great comments on the place. He will finish out his two week notice working both jobs since they wanted him right away but he wanted to do right by the other place.

I have been feeling much better despite the amount of traveling we have been doing lately. Marx finally made it to a freestyle tournament and wow--it is an amazing style of wrestling. If you have ever watched Olympic Wrestling that is what we see, but with kids. I am on new meds that seem to be working, until I got bronchitis and then I felt like I didn't even take anything. We realized that I hadn't been on antibiotics for over 10 years until this year, so I guess I was due! Work is going well. I jokingly tell my boss that I have been working part-time the last few months due to wrestling. I am greatful that they are so supportive of family.

Marx is getting well prepared for wrestling high schoolers since he is at a weight that we don't see many eighth graders so they bracket him in with high schoolers. It is overwhelming at times, but I think he walks away with learning something each time. Marx just got his braces off and decided to shave his head for a change. He is looking forward to football and wrestling camps this summer as well as lifting weights with the team. He will be graduating from the eighth grade in June (ahhhh) and turning 15. We will all have a safe year as he won't take drivers education until next summer.

A sad bit of news, our dog Boomer is really sick. We thought he had swallowed a foreign object and couldn't pass it. He has been in the vet's office for the whole week and we discovered that he has a severly inflamed small instestine which is swollen and blocked to the point that food cannot pass. He is miserable and on many medications to bring the inflamation under control. We aren't sure what is causing this, but if he manages to hold down food and water today he can come home. Marx's dentist wrote off the remaining balance on his braces last week which was a huge amount. I think was a blessing from God so that we can take care of our Boomer. We really want Boomer home and healthy!
Here are a few photos and I promise to update more regularly!

1 comment:

Most likely Jenn said...

I didn't check for a while since you were on facebook, but I really like this format better, too. I still just use fb to spy on my friends. I don't really care if everyone knows I'm putting on my mascara now and such.